I walk by one of the older buildings on campus most mornings, shown above. With the semester over and campus less busy, I've enjoyed the calmness and the extra time to read papers and work on ideas. (For reference, I'm not in my lab on Christmas Eve, just posting from home.)
Last night, I had dinner at Passage to India, which I think still qualifies as something new and therefore exciting in Laramie. In the past couple years, I've lived in larger college towns (Fort Collins and Corvallis), but Passage to India might be the best Indian restaurant in any of them. (Their naan is certainly the best.) Even if it isn't that new, it still qualifies as exciting.
So after living in Laramie for a semester, my expectations of the town have been exceeded. It's prettier than I thought, and the dining options are quite decent. I'm looking forward to checking out the skiing in the coming year.
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